David W. Ferrell

"Behold, an Israelite indeed in whom is no guile," are words spoken by Jesus Christ concerning Nathaniel, recorded in the gospel of St. John 1:47. However, I think the statement could have been applied quite fittingly to the life and character of D. W. Ferrell, who was my intimate friend for almost forty years. I never knew a person who impressed me more profoundly with cleanliness of thought, Christlikeness of behavior and genuine- ness of purpose. Many are the days we spent roaming the fields and forests of Florida, which afforded an excellent opportunity to discover and to know his inner being. I always found in him a spirit of unselfishness and of purity. His one consuming desire was to know God, do His will and live a consistent victorious life before our lost and needy world. Righteousness of conduct was almost an obsession with him.

For some time I served as his District Superintendent and had the privilege of preaching to his people and of hearing him preach. I considered him an able and effective gospel preacher, well acquainted with the Bible and the basic teachings of The Methodist Church. He had accurately memorized a great deal of scripture which readily found expression in his prayers and in his sermons. His people thought of him as an excellent, Bible-centered preacher. They loved and honored him as pastor and friend. During the years he served Mayo, Leon Ct., Carrabelle, Seffner, Bayshore (Tampa), Inman, Yulee, Hutto, Baldwin, Callahan, Fairfield (Jacksonville), and Glen Julia, where he was appointed a few weeks before God called him home.

David W. Ferrell was born August 24th, 1892, at Hosford, Florida. It was June 1912 when he married attractive Nannie Gertrude Hoomes, who for more than fifty years was a constant source of inspiration, helpfulness, and encouragement to him. He passed away July 20th, 1965 and his body was laid to rest in the Hosford Cemetery beside that of his wife who died some seventeen months before. Memorial services were conducted by his District Superintendent, Doctor Robert Holmes, assisted by the Reverend Ben Spivey, pastor at Hosford.

In addition to five Brothers and two Sisters, Brother Ferrell is survived by a devoted daughter whom he loved very tenderly, Mrs. Jessie Ferrell Smith, of Delray Beach, four fine grandsons of whom he was exceedingly proud, James L. Smith, David A. Smith, Frederick N. Smith, and Peter M. Smith, also a great-granddaughter, Daryl Ann Smith.

May God make us worthy of having walked along the way with this dedicated servant of Christ and preacher of His gospel!

Submitted by: P.M. BOYD